I can predict the winner of Super Bowl!
I can predict the winner of Super Bowl!
Super Bowl is a time for greatness. It's also a time of
Animals across the country "make their picks."
Let’s see these genius prophets!
Fiona: the Hippo in Cincinnati
Last year the Cincinnati Zoo’s celebrity Fiona correctly predicted
that the Philadelphia Eagles, which were considered the underdog, would win the
Super Bowl.
Kiki: the lioness in Fresno
Chaffee Zoo lions have successfully predicted each Super
Bowl winner since the annual tradition began in 2016 as part of the zoo’s
animal enrichment program.
Two manatees in Sarasota
For the 12th year in a row, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium’s
manatees, brothers Hugh and Buffett, predicted the winner for the Super Bowl.
Hugh chose the Los Angeles Rams while Buffett picked the New England Patriots.
But Buffett is known by his keepers to have the better record with his predictions: A 9-2 record.
Hugh chose the Los Angeles Rams while Buffett picked the New England Patriots.
But Buffett is known by his keepers to have the better record with his predictions: A 9-2 record.
Are you confident in predicting more accurately than these amazing animals?